Molding Technologies For Tomorrow™

What's new at Silicones, Inc?

 Silicones, Inc partnered with a leading aerospace company to develop a vacuum bagging silicone.
Available in thixo and non-thixo versions with variable cured rates, our bagging silicones, made in the USA, offer high physical and excellent release properties so you can maximize your mold life and part reproduction.

Si-mplification for Vacuum Bagging

   Animatronics and Medical Simulator Needs?

  We have been busy developing new products for your specific application. Give us a call or email to discuss your requirements. Silicones, Inc. looks forward to working with you.

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 Thixo Additives send your expensive molds to an early grave, or land fill.  Check out our new materials that do not use chemical thickeners and therefore will allow you to keep your tin cured molds longer.

Fine Art Foundry/Sculptor Tooling Silicones

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            Thank you Adam and Carolina Bronze for the photos!!!


Silicones, Inc. News